Chapter 16. You Stare and I Stare at You

Point of View: Emara Stone

Nobody backs down as he both glare at each other.

But suddenly I get distracted by someone calling him from behind. "Sir, your morning coffee." Rita says cheerfully with a ten-megawatt smile on her face.

I look at her black stilettos, tight pencil skirt, fitting blouse with first two buttons undone for ventilation. Then I look up to her face, again her lipstick is out of her lips.

"Oh, Hi Ethan. How was your first day?" She asks me sweetly while cutely batting her fake eyelashes at me.


"Umm. I am still learning to adapt." I reply politely as a gentleman does. She giggles playfully as she sneers, "You will learn fast, you are really smart". Thanks, bitch.

"Rita, you are very sweet." I reply with my professional fake smile. Before she could respond we hear a loud throat-clearing sound from our boss who is watching me keenly with animalistic eyes. His face turned sour, his eyebrows come in line as he again gives me the death stare. What is wrong with him?

Does he still want to play 'You stare and I stare at you' game?

Or maybe he likes Rita! That why he doesn't want any male around her and talking to her. Maybe they both are secretly dating. Suddenly I feel a clench in my heart, a part of me gets a little sad thinking about it. All the hot guys in the world are booked. And so does him.

"Drake!" Ryan sternly calls someone, his grim eyes not leaving mine. He doesn't blink or what?

I see that hot guy from yesterday who I thought was sexting outside Ryan's cabin walks forward, "Yes, sir." That's his personal secretary.

"Bring the coffee in my office" By saying that Ryan gives me one last glare then turns around to leave. Drake skeptically stares at me from head to toe, he takes the coffee from Rita then walks away after Ryan.

We all look at each other as if asking answers for what just happened. The rest of the day goes by, in the evening the telephone on my table rings startling me, "It's Raj. You are asked to meet on the tenth floor in CEO's cabin right now." With that, he keeps his side of the phone without even waiting to hear from me.

I frightening stare at the telephone, wondering if I am in trouble. Maybe I should have apologized to the boss for spilling coffee on him. Is he going to fire me now? Oh, no.

. . .

My palm sweat as I nervously take my step, I knock on the door outside our boss's cabin. I hear a 'Come in', I walk inside and see hotty stiffly sitting on his chair behind the table. And on my right side, Drake is sitting on the couch staring gravely at me as if I shaved his head. And his eyebrows.

Hotty tells me to sit, so I chose the seat that is far away from Drake. As he continuously stares at me from head to toe like a doubtful wife. Weirdo!

"I want you to pack your things from Design and Analysis departmental floor and shift on this floor as Damison Groups CEO's Secretary. Here is your transfer order, go take a sign from Raj and give it to Drake." Ryan orders while giving me a bunch of papers. So, I am not fired? Wait…

"That means your secretary as in a personal secretary?" I ask him shockingly, my brain processing hundreds of output at a time.

Did hotty forget the coffee incident or he wants more?

Ryan gives me a small nod before saying, "You will get the rules and behavioral details tomorrow." I keep staring at his brown crystal eyes as they reflect back my image. So beautiful. He is beautiful.

"Drake will help you in shifting. Now get out." With that, he fiercely starts typing on his laptop as if testing its durability.

I and Drake silently walk out of the cabin. Nobody said anything yet. I couldn't tolerate any more silence so I finally decide to speak, "Are you fired?"

Drake looks at me strangely as he shakes his head, "I am shifted to 'P' building." Oh, but nobody from this office has ever transferred there. I look down at the papers, Drake's last name is also Damison maybe he is a close relative, that's why he is promoted there.

Everybody stares at us as we walk towards my table, Drake starts to put my things in a cardboard box, he takes the calendar in his hand and says, "Hey Buddy, you said you have an extra. Can I have it?"

I look at him and give him my best thirty-two L.E.D screen smile as I say, "Sure."