Chapter 22. Baby

Point of View: Emara Stone

I am so happy like someone gave me drugs for free. LOL. Just kidding. Maybe not. LOL, no. Haha!

Hotty told me to get home safely. The girl, the vagina, the drunk butterflies in me shake like a vibrator. No, like a volcano, an earthquake! I leave his cabin with a big smile from ear to ear like I got my driving license or my degree. As I don't have both.

I try to do twerking in the office's corridor that I learned from the YouTube tutorial as I am so happy right now, but then I straighten up as I don't want to get caught in the camera's. As I was about to leave the telephone on my table rings.


"Hi, boo." I hear a lady purring from the other side. I clear my throat and speak, "Your boo cheated on you and I killed him. You are welcome." And I keep the phone back on the table.


I roll my eyes as I pick the phone again, "Excuse me, who are you?" The lady asks me eagerly. "This is Damison Groups of Work. It's an office where people work and get a salary." I try to explain to her in simple words. Probably some guy gave her a fake number in the bar.

"I know what it is. But who are you?" She again asks me anxiously. "I am secretary of the President of Damison Groups. My name is Ethan Stone." I reply to her irritatingly as she is wasting my time. I need to go home and make new accounts to follow PewDiePie.

"Oh! Where is Drake then? He got fired?" Her voice gets low, exhibiting the feeling of sadness openly. "No, he shifted to another building. Please call on private phones, the property of the company can only be used for professional work." I speak, unconcerned and calm of the situation.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't know he got transferred and I am calling on behalf of Mr. Sherkey Holmes as his wife got into labor just now so he won't be able to attend the meeting at Damison Groups. I am so excited, THEY ARE HAVING A BABY." The lady screams loud enough to impair my eardrums.

"Yay! Congratulations to them." I fake my excitement and write it down in my schedule diary. Before she could continue her rant, I keep the phone.


I am really getting late and she wasted my time, I'll call her tomorrow for a reschedule. Right now I need to inform Ryan about the sudden cancellation of the meeting. I want to do that happy twerk dance as I am going to see hotty again. Instead, I walk straight inside his cabin with my best smile.

I see hotty's back, his legs on the window's frame in a relaxing posture. Suddenly I feel calm seeing him relaxing in his seat. I wonder what he looks like in sweatpants and a normal tee. I notice the moaning and panting sound engulfed in the room which is coming from hotty's phone.

I look closely and see two naked bodies humping on his phone's screen. No, fucking. He is watching them having sex. He is watching PORN! IN HIS PHONE. IN HIS OFFICE! OPENLY!

Holy fuck! Hotty is such a freaky freak.

My body freezes, in surprise and confusion. Should I run or watch the climax with him?