"We had a bit of an argument." Travis answered simply. He didn't want to go over what happened because it only caused him to feel more guilty. It was a good news that nothing happened to the baby.

Lucian pulled his wife close to him while watching Jillyanna's face. "Thank you for taking care of her. Whatever transpired is a problem between you and my sister. We will not intervene or meddle with your issues."

"I'm sorry I broke your trust. It was really unexpected and I didn't know this would happen." Travis responded to Lucian. His face was full of worry and guilt. He looked so exhausted and haggard, too.

"Is this about you being a Madrigal?" Lucian asked him nonchalantly. Travis looked at him with a scrutinizing eyes. "We didn't know it was you at first. We knew of a person who hurt her in the past but we didn't know it was you until I received the piece of evidence you gave."