Even if she wanted to argue with him, she learned her lesson not to get so emotional or she'll lose her baby.

"Call me if you need anything, okay?" Travis reminded her once more.

"I know. I know." she responded but she also moved slowly to her side so that she can go back to sleep again.

Becoming a pregnant woman made her crave more sleeping time than usual. She get so tired easily and she wanted to sleep all day long.

"Good night wifey."

"Good night."

Travis smiled at her before closing his eyes to sleep. Something good came after such unfortunate event. If it was before, she would have spit fire on him just because he's called her 'wifey'. Now, she's tolerating him.

Jillyanna didn't bother with him anymore. She must be hating him but she's not someone who won't feel guilty.

These past days, whenever she sees the dark circles under his eyes, she would feel guilty and annoyed at the same time.