"You were saying something?" Even though he heard her clearly, he still pretended not to hear it. "I didn't hear it clearly."

"My god! You're annoying! I don't want to say it again." she slid under her blanket and turned her back on him.

Travis decided to tease her again. He didn't tease her earlier when he caught her watching him since she was eating but this time, he can.

He walked to her bed and sat on the side where there's enough space for him. He tugged on the blanket lightly but she refused to budge. "Come on. How am I supposed to respond without hearing it?" he asked her.

"It doesn't matter. It's your problem that you're deaf." she retorted without looking back.

Since she won't say anything, Travis thought of something naughty again.He moved her hair that's covering her face and kissed her.

"What are you doing?!" Jillyanna turned to face him and yelled. "Stop it."