Jillyanna smiled evilly while watching his profile. She didn't exit from his profile and open a new tab instead so she can easily go back to that later.

"Hawk, how's uncle Thomas? Is he doing okay?" she asked the man who was sitting on the couch.

Hawk looked at her with a calm face. "He's doing good. Savannah's taking care of him in the mansion. However, he didn't know that you were sent here last night."

She nodded her head as she listened to him. "That's alright. It's not good if I add to his stress. Thank you for taking care of him when Travis was busy with his business."

"It's the only way we know to repay their kindness." Hawk stated as a matter of fact before fiddling with his phone again.

Jillyanna didn't say anything after that. It's all good for her to know that Thomas was doing fine. She got tired of browsing thru the net so she called Cielo instead.

"Hello? Who is this?" Cielo's cautious voice rang out from the other line.