They talked about several things which focused on her career and her baby. Travis would often input his idea to support her no matter what she was planning to do as long as she wasn't thinking of leaving again.

"How about we get a nanny or a cleaner? You can't move so much around plus everyone at home has to leave sometimes for work. It's best if we have a nanny to help us clean the house." Travis suggested since she wasn't allowed to do exhausting work.

"Up to you. I don't know anyone so it's your task to find someone." Jillyanna agreed with a cheeky smile.

Travis couldn't help but pinched his face lightly. "Yes madam. I will find one for you."

Jillyanna slapped his hands away and rubbed her face. "Stop pinching my face. It's my asset."

Travis caressed the red mark on her face which was from his fingers. "Sorry. I won't do it again." Then he kissed the mark that he left.