Song used:  Never Thought That I Could Love - Dan Hill

Travis just laughed awkwardly and kissed her head. "Don't scare me like that."

"Who told you to be such a coward? I was just asking a question." Jillyanna poked his chest with a raised eyebrow.

Cheska also sighed a breath of relief. She stood up straight and looked at Travis. "You should thank me that she ended up staying. Anyway, I won't show my face in front of you guys. I'm just happy that she's fine. I'll take my leave now."

The senior doctor left with Cheska following behind. Jillyanna wanted to say something since Cheska looked a bit sad. Even though her plan was spoiled, it wasn't really the doctor's fault. She opened her mouth and closed it again.

"Who was that?" Cielo asked with a frown.

"That's Dr. Cheska Suarez. She's a friend of Travis. By the way, I haven't seen Eli. He didn't come and visit me?"