Their whole day was spent by staying at home. Jillyanna did a lot of things around the house to calm herself. She was still annoyed with him.

She planted different kinds of flowers on the garden to distract herself. She didn't really want to get upset over some petty matters but she couldn't help it.

Everytime she remembered the first time she confessed to him, it would make her blood boil. She knew what's love and what's not but because of his rejection, she didn't dare fall in love again.

Who would've thought that she would still fall for him in the end? She was so annoyed that she fell in love to the same person even after a decade!

"I hate you Travis!" she yelled at the top of her lungs even though the man she was yelling at was squatting down beside her.

Travis just laughed at her and continued planting the roses. "I thought you love me."

"You're imagining things again." she snorted and moved away from him. "I hate you."