Jillyanna wiped the single tear which fell from her eyes down to her face. She never knew that knowing the cold truth would hurt so much.

"Is that all you wanted to know?" Travis asked her without taking a step towards her. Right now, he didn't know how Jillyanna felt towards him. For all he know, she could be angry and despising him already.

Jillyanna asked him the last two questions that she wanted to ask. "Have you been investigating their death and sent Lucian your evidence? Did you know that I was somehow related to them?"

"Nope. I didn't know that you were related to him. When I gave them the investigation results, I would always ask my secretary to send it with my name written on it for them to know that it came from a reliable source."

"Thank you for clarifying this matter to me. I am glad that I finally got the answers."

"Are you angry?" Travis inquired tentatively.