Valkyrie and Brown were glued on the ground. Brown's hand that Valkyrie was holding started to tremble and he could feel the cold sweat on it.

"Dad." Valkyrie called out to his father. There was the slightest fear, anxiety and surprise in his voice. He pulled Brown close to him and let him stand behind him.

"Here you are. Evan!" Dr. Anderson used Brown's real name this time.

When he said his name, Brown thought that his soul flew out of his body, summoned by the devil who was walking towards him. Every step he took was like a bag of sand being placed on his chest, heavy and it was making him breath heavily.

For the very first time in his life, he feared Dr. Anderson, the man who took him in and cared for him when his parents didn't.

Brown saw Dr. Anderson threw a deathly glare at Valkyrie and pushed Valkyrie away to see him stand in front of him.