The nun smiled faintly. She didn't know that even under her long dress, young Evan would still know she was wounded.

"Can you look after these books? I will get some wet cloth." he told the nun, his big brown eyes held his worry and concern for both the books and the nun.

"Hn. I will be staying here with the books."

Evan ran towards the side of the orphanage which wasn't caught by the fire. There were blankets and towels which they hang that morning so he got one of them and cut it into strips.

He also found a small pale and he put a tap water on it from the garden hose he found. He brought everything back and wiped the wound with the wet cloth.

It wasn't a deep wound but it was long; and since the librarian caught it from a sharp broken wood there were some small splinters on the wound.

Evan ran back to Dr. Anderson's side once again. "Do you have tweezers? Can I borrow it as well?"