"Who did you say is old? Me? I'm just 24 years old!" Vincent argued back, trying to defend himself from the accusation about his age.

"You're 5 years older than me." Jackie informed him which stunned Vincent to the core of his being.

He was often told that he was the youngest warden in the whole city and the smartest one at that. Now, that he fell in love, the woman was telling him that he's old. Older than 5 years!

"Can you not give emphasis to the gap of our age?" Vincent found a rock and sat on it while watching Jackie few meters away from him. "I'm not really that old, am I?"

" are. so get lost and stop hanging around with me. You'll make me look old, too."

Vincent was deeply hurt with her words. It was the first time that he likes someone and he only ruined his chance because he annoyed her.