The next day, early in the morning, Jillyanna received a call from Jackie about what happened. She didn't mind about it and let Jackie do whatever she wanted to do to accomplish the task. She wasn't really pressuring her about it because she knew that Jackie will always find a way.

"My wife, I want to walk in the garden." Travis spoke softly while watching the garden outside the window.

Jillyanna knew that he's gotten bored inside the room so she accompanied him outside, pushing his wheelchair slowly to get into the elevator.

"Are you bringing me to your house or to my house tomorrow?" Travis asked Jillyanna. He will be discharged tomorrow and he was worried about the inconvenience he'd cause to other people.

"I'm bringing you to my house - our house. In that way, I can perfectly take care of you and you will see familiar faces every day."

"I see. Won't I be a bother?"

"Think about being a bother once more and I will leave you here."