Travis already informed his father that they were going out so he didn't need to worry. After talking to Riley, Travis went out first to give few reminders to the guards and to the helpers. They will be leaving Gabriel and Winter so they need to be extra careful and quick to help if needed.

Jillyanna waited for him to finish giving instructions to everyone. 'I must be really good in my past life to end up with a husband like him.' Jillyanna thought to herself while watching him from a distance.

After settling everything, Travis walked to her with a handsome smile. "Shall we go?"

"Sure." Jillyanna walked beside him to the garage and got into the car that Travis chose. They wanted to be low-key so Travis just chose the Mercedes Benz which was the cheapest of his collections.

"I wish we can always go out like this." Travis spoke as he drove the car out of the mansion's gate.