When she realized what transpired in that few seconds, Jillyanna's face turned incredibly hot. She was blushing not just because she was caught off-guard but because many people saw them kissing!

Embarrassed and still dizzy from what happened, she pulled the lapel of his coat and buried her face on his chest - hiding from everyone's gaze.

Travis chuckled and hugged her while the fireworks continued to glow up in the sky.

"Oh my god! This couple is just so sweet!" among the crowd, many people caught them on camera and posted it on the social media. This post contain a picture of Travis from his side angle watching Jillyanna while Jillyanna watched the fireworks. It was clear as day that he really loves the woman!

"I want to get myself a boyfriend and go on a date like them." another person posted the same picture but in a different angle. She was standing right behind them and she watch the couple while she was being fed with dog food.