Even though Jillyanna was no longer a celebrity, she could still be considered a public figure since many people still remembered her.

Both fans and haters didn't even unfollow her inactive account, hoping that she would, someday, post something and show it to them.

And for one, she was a wife to a well-known businessman in city B who owned multiple land areas and companies. Two, she's a sister to Riley Summer. What the other would do will reflect to the other person. So in this issue, not only Jillyanna, but Riley was implicated too.

"What a two-faced person! Acting all sweet and coy but she's actually ill-mannered."

"Hey! Person above! You don't even know the whole story and you are spouting rubbish already! My goddess YNA isn't that type of person!"

"Goddess YNA! Goddess YNA! She's not even pretty. And look at her getting big like a pig! Sooner or later, Travis will leave her!"