Riley had four days of vacation this time before she'll go out of the country again to finish her movie.

Instead of going on a vacation, she was busy nagging Shein to do something for her. Even though Jillyanna told him that she can just stay silent, she can't really put herself at rest.

Jackie went back to the school dormitory with Vincent since she will have to go to school the next day. She was already allowed to join the training but she was excused to do the vigorous training until her wounds were fully healed.

"How can we leave for our date if you won't do something?" Riley asked Shein with her arms crossed on her chest. "Come on Shein, just this once. And don't tell Big Sis about this."

Shein just looked at her before going back to sleep. He didn't want to disobey Jillyanna but he didn't want to anger his girlfriend as well. He didn't really know what to do at this point.