The next morning which was also their third day, Jillyanna woke up around eleven in the morning. Since she was getting used to his size and his movements, she didn't have a sore waist this time. Aside from that, she remembered Travis giving her a massage last night while she was drifting off to sleep.

"Morning." Travis greeted her with a kiss on top of her head. He was reading some messages on his phone regarding the companies that he was handling. There were messages from Shein and Savannah regarding some financial report and there was a message from his father as well, encouraging him to bring good news of Jillyanna being pregnant again. He didn't reply to it since he knew his father was just joking. They already talked about it and his father knew that Travis didn't want Jillyanna to get pregnant again.

"Morning." Jillyanna greeted as she hugged his waist and cuddled with him.

"Do you feel any discomfort anywhere?"

"Nope. I'm fine."