There life in Bali revolved around a tour and exploration in the afternoon, a love making session at night and sleeping in the whole morning. This cycle kept on until the sixth day of their trip. Jillyanna was packing her things and was arranging her other stuff to make sure that she won't forget anything tomorrow once they leave.

"We can't do it tonight. We have to leave tomorrow afternoon. I don't want to miss our flight." Jillyanna stated while placing her shorts inside the suitcase.

"Can we do a round?"


"But I haven't seen you wear the nurse uniform."

"I can do it for you at home."


Jillyanna looked at him and grinned. "No. I was just joking. There's no way I'd do that."

"Why not? It's not like you'll be showing that in front of anyone else. You will only be showing that in front of me."

"That's what I'm worried about. I'm showing it in front of my shameless husband."