Jade was lying on the couch. She raised her left leg, put it down, raised her right leg and put it down. She did it a couple of times while waiting for Brown to finish calling Valkyrie. He had been calling him for almost two hours now and their game was put on hold because of that.

"When will their call end?" Jade mumbled with a sigh.

"Don't expect it to end soon." Savannah answered her question as she placed a slice of cake in front of the little girl. "They must have missed each other so much."

"How about you, Auntie Savy? Don't you miss Uncle Schniezel?"

"Of course, I miss him."

"Why didn't I hear you call him for almost two hours? Did you ever call him?" Jade questioned innocently. She was just wondering why since she never really noticed Savannah talking to Hawk.