
Seeing them together, Rim and my parents, I feel conflicted. I want to know the truth but at the same time, I'm too afraid of what they're going to say.

Are they going to accept him after a long time of disappearance? The first time I saw Rim. There's something that does not blend well with him. I just can't pinpoint what. Instead of getting inside, I turned around and walked mindlessly.

Before I knew it, I'm already in front of Max's door.

Hesitantly, I knocked on his door. My feelings should've been obvious. The moment Max saw me, he immediately hugged me and let me inside his house.

He asked me what happened. I told him that I saw Rim in our house with my parents and I just don't have the heart to face them yet. I'm so thankful that he offered me to stay for the night. We shared his bed.

He hugged and comforted me all night. I could feel his care for me. Every moment that I looked at Max, I fell deeply in love with him. I wonder if he felt the same way too.

Morning came, Max and I went to school together. The moment we entered the room, I saw Rim and he's getting along with my classmates. I can already tell that this year would be a nightmare for me.

Today is a club day and we're required to pick a major club as part of our curriculum. Max and I picked the dance club. It's not that obvious but we both love to dance. We're about to leave the premise when I saw Rim signing for the dance club too.

Did he just smirk at me? I had a feeling that he's not here to reconcile with me or with my family.

New morning, new day. I'm quite excited since today is the orientation day. I quickly freshen up and unto my uniform. I made sure to be at school as early as possible.

With my prepared dance outfits and perfectly styled hair, I entered the auditorium with glee. But it was all cut short when I saw Rim, alone and sitting quietly at the far back. We are the only ones in the room yet.

I'm now considering the thought of us having something in common. Being a morning person and doesn't want to be late.

I went inside, trying my best to avoid eye contact with him and sit 2 rows apart from the stage. I immediately regretted that decision of letting him out of my sight.

Out of nowhere, someone choked me from behind. Before I blacked out, I heard someone whisper, "I'm gonna ruin your life..."

I woke up in Max's arms. People were around me, including Rim. I started to panic and shouted, "That guy, that guy choked me!". They tried to calm me down. Max assisted me and guided me to the school's clinic. As we leave the auditorium, I saw Rim smirking at me. That smirk will haunt me for the rest of my life.