Princess Tiara

Dylan's POV...

The Melody of the guitar filled the room, the awkward silence of every space started disappearing. All the tension that was roaming in the room flew away.

I remember turning into a wide-eyed baby when I first heard somebody play the guitar in a finger-picking style.

It was like watching sunbeams poke through the curtains after a night where moonlight had too many hours, all of my life's troubles gathered together and suddenly grew smaller by the union of ten fingers and six strings. I felt like I had discovered the meaning of life and I was only eight then.

From the moment I heard those fingers pull strings the way a gardener pulls fruit from the cherry tree, I was convinced this was the music for me.

Wait! Someone is coming. Putting the guitar down on the bed, I made my face like I want to die out of frustration. "I can't believe that anybody actually learned to play this thing!" I forced a sigh.

I tried to look at the door. Shit! Henry was already standing there.

"You're too bad at acting, Dylan." He sneered. He is right! I can't act at all.

He already saw me. So there is no way to hide it anymore. I set my guitar aside and flipped in the garden where the Crown Imperial Plant's flowers were glowing. This flower still amazed me. I don't know why. Is it for its look or the name?

Let's not think further. I got up from his bed and hung my backpack on my back while taking my sunglass.

"Where are you going?" Henry asked me confusingly.

I shoved my hands inside my pocket and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." I'll go where my best friend will take me.

"Dad knows that? Ah! I forget. He is the one who gave you permission to wander around the world. So with whom you're going?" Henry looked at me like he cared.

"Don't worry. I'll fly abroad in 2 weeks. Not now." I replied and took my phone from bed. "Bye bro. I should go now. You should also go. A health minister shouldn't stay at home all the time." I left the room. Though he is a friendly brother, sometimes he is also annoying. I think all the politicians are like this. Nagging!

Oh Yeah! I'm Dylan Nelson, the younger son of the owner of The Nelon Perfume Brand, George Nelson. It had to be mentioned that my elder brother Henry Nelson is the current health Minister. Everyone says that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. But I have neither interest in politics nor business. I'm just interested in the guitar. But my father doesn't like playing guitar. He is giving me the freedom to enjoy my life before he can handle his business to me.

"The world is round, so no matter how far away you go, just like the magic bus, you'll immediately return to the place where you belong." -This is what my father always says to me. I belong to the Nelson family. And to the Nelon company.

Though he doesn't support me with music, my father is always supportive. He is a good father indeed. He doesn't like music because my mother is a musician. She is alive. But I don't know where on the earth.

My best friend Rohan was already waiting for me in front of my house.

"You said we are going to Jeju." I took my sunglass off when Rohan stopped the car in front of the city hall of Daegu City.

Rohan hesitated for a while before looking at me. "Dude. Two more people will join us."

"Who?" I asked, raising my brows. He didn't tell me about this before.

"My girlfriend and her best friend."

"Girls? Dude, Seriously? I don't have any problem with Sunbin but her best friend?" I gaped at him with disbelief. I don't like girls. No, I'm not gay. I don't like boys either. Actually, I hate being in a crowd of people. I hate noises.

"I know you don't like girls. But don't worry she'll not like you too. She has a boyfriend.." Rohan tried to convince me. "Please Dylan." He tried to look cute.

"Okay!" As long as she'll not be noisy, I'm okay with it. But why are we here? I don't think she lives here in the city hall. And what about the crowd?


"Sunbin, what's your best friend doing here?" I queried Sunbin, clenching my jaw when she came out of the crowd in front of the city hall.

"You'll see her soon." That's a reply I earned from her.

Is she a VIP or what? Why do I wait? I didn't say anything. But I'm curious about what's going on here. People were holding banners. I glanced at the banners people were holding.

Get rid of Corruption!

we're done with Corruption! -was written on those banners.

So. It's a political demonstration.

"The government has said you can't defecate here."

Hearing the sound from the speaker, Like everyone I turned my face to the stage where a girl was speaking. No, literally she was shouting. So she was leading this?

She was wearing a shirt and jeans with her hair was messy, tied in a ponytail. She was beautiful with no touch of makeup, unlike other girls.

"Because there aren't any toilets. But who needs a toilet? Since we're fasting, what will we possibly excrete?" She shouted again. Too loud!

Yet I couldn't help but laugh. Did she just mention about excreting?

"Whatever it is, get rid of Corruption! We're done with Corruption!" The girl raised her one hand with them clenching into fists. She looked so damn serious.

I almost jumped when the crowd started shouting with her.

"Get rid of Corruption!

we're done with Corruption!"

"Get rid of Corruption!

we're done with Corruption!"

When it'll end? God! So loud!

"Get rid of Corruption!

we're done with Corruption!"

I let out a relieved sigh when they finally stopped. They've stopped. But where is our VIP? I turned back to look at my best friend and his girlfriend. "Sunbin, where is she?"

Sunbin gestured toward the stage with her index finger. "There." I tilted my head and looked at the person she was pointing her finger at. The girl who was moving toward us. She was leading this demonstration! That ruthless girl. It's her best friend? Really?

I was about to ask but Sunbin and Rohan walked to that girl. When the girl saw Sunbin, she smiled sweetly. On the stage, she was looking like an angry bird. But now! The sweetest girl in the Universe. Small Lizard! Chameleon!

Suddenly Sunbin took a glance at me and whispered something to that girl. Then the girl looked at me and strode towards me.

The soft breeze made her hair fly in the air. My heart skipped a beat as her eyes met mine. Those eyes! Those eyes are so familiar to me.

"Hi. I'm Princess Tiara." The girl extended her hand, standing in front of me

Princess? Is she joking?

Okay, let's play with it.

"Hi. I'm Princess Diana." I shook her hand, trying to look calm.

"Are you kidding me?" She narrowed her gaze at me.

I tilted my head, still shaking her hand. "Aren't you doing the same thing?"

"Any problem, Dylan?" Rohan asked, sauntering to us. Oh, he was here. I almost forgot.

"No. No pr..."

"Yes, there is." That girl cut my words off. "Hello. Mister DIE LAND. My name is Tiara. My surname is Princess." Her facial expression swirled into a dangerous one.


It was rude.

"What did you call me?" I took a step closer to her, glaring at her.

"Die land," Tiara repeated as she plastered a tight smile on her face. Still beautiful.

No, Dylan. You were supposed to be angry. She called you Die Land.

I threw a sharp glare at her again. "My name is Dylan." I pressured her hand. Oh yeah, we're still shaking hands!

Before his could go further Sunbin stood between us, pushing us apart. "Can we go now?" She asked, smiling awkwardly.