The First Journey

Tiara's POV...

Dylan. He was looking so dashing in that white shirt. His eyes were so beautiful, deep. His perfect lips... Wait! Why am I thinking about that guy? Whatever. Dylan or Die Land. Whoever he is. He is so rude. How dare he mock my name? He thought I was kidding with him! Really?

Whatever! I'm going to Jeju with them because my best friend Sunbin requested me. She said she wanted to spend some time with her boyfriend on this vacation. So she lied to her mother that she was going with me. And now I've to go!

We've decided to take the train from Seoul Station to Osong Station. From there the train from Osong Station to Mokpo Station and take the ferry from Haenam Usuyeong to Jeju.

"Sunbin, I think he's never been in train." I whispered to Sunbin and controlled my laughter watching Die Land rolling his eyes around, surveying every corner of the train. He was looking like an excited kid! Cute!

"I can hear you." Die Land said as he grabbed the water bottle and opened the cap of it. "I've traveled by train before. But it's obviously my first time in standard class."

I was dumbfounded. He is not that dumb. He is smart enough and... really handsome. When he was drinking water, his adam's apple was moving up and down. His hair was messy now because of the heavy wind. Gosh. He looks hot. Tiara, What's wrong with you? You have a boyfriend and you love him so much. Stop watching him.

I quickly stood up from my seat. "Sunbin. I want to drink tea. Let's go." Without giving her a chance to talk, I pulled her up. I really need to distract myself.

The Buffet is at the of the standard class. So we had to walk for a while.

"No tea." The manager of the buffet said. "We have coffee and banana milk."

"I did NOT come all the way to drink coffee or banana milk. I want tea." I argued.

Without bothering to reply to me, the manager yawned loudly. What was it? Is he insulting me? He can just make tea easily. With the teabag and sugar. Everything was ready.

"Uncle. Please don't yawn like this. Use your hand to cover your mouth before you do it. It looks so awkward. And. We came to have tea. Give us tea. It's up to you from where to get it." I said, frowning.

"Tea isn't on our menu card."

"Include it from today then. We are sitting in that corner. We'll not go before drinking tea. And yeah, with less sugar. Don't make a syrup with a lot of sugar." With that, I and Sunbin took a seat in the corner of the buffet.

The train was running fast as it can. It was passing by trees after trees. The sky was clouded. It'll rain soon. "I love this weather. When it rains all my pain and unessecary thoughts stop disturbing me and my mind just set on the rain. It's good."

Sunbin nodded. "Yeah. You like rain. I know."

I took a sharp intake a breath. "Maybe yes or maybe it just a reason to stop myself from being sad."

Sunbin held her gaze at me. "Does Ethan know you're going with us?"

Sunbin's question made my eyes sparkled. Whenever someone talked about him, my heart started beating fast, my eyes sparkle. Ethan is my boyfriend. We're dating since high school.

Two years ago, he went to France, his whole family shifted there. So we are maintaining a long-distance relationship since then. Though nothing was the same as before, I still feel the butterflies in my stomach when I hear his name. I love him so much.

"Yeah. I told him." I replied.

"Did you fight with him?" She narrowed her gaze. I don't like this thing about her. How can she read me always? Yes, I fought with him. Because he didn't pick up my calls the entire day saying he was busy.

"Sun, do you know why did I want to travel by train? I always find it interesting." I changed the topic. I don't want to talk about him.

"Why?" She asked. Maybe she understood that.

"Train always makes a screeching sound as it moves. It creates a kind of rhythm. the rhythm of the dance. That's why it feels good."

My best friend let out a soft laugh. "Don't say you want to dance now."

I laughed. "I want to."

Sunbin was about to say something but stopped and her lips parted as she looked at the direction of the entrance. "Are you eavesdropping us, Dylan?"

Die Land? What is he doing here? I turned back to see. He was standing there like the statue of liberty. The difference is his hands were kept low. He gazed at us like a kitten who got caught while stealing fish from the kitchen. But was he really eavesdropping us?