The Weirdo!

Dylan's POV....

Rohan told me to call Sunbin because his elder sister wants to talk to her. So I came here to the buffet to call her and I was about to call her. Then I heard they were talking about her boyfriend.

That girl. Tiara. She looked so beautiful when she smiled just now. Her long messy hair was midnight-black and it flowed over her shoulders. She has a soothing voice. And about her philosophy.

She is a weird philosopher. A rhythm of dance? Whatever! They were talking about her boyfriend. Ethan! Yes, Rohan said she has a boyfriend.

No, I'm definitely not interested in her. But I feel like I've seen her before. I don't know where, when. Maybe it's just an illusion.

And it's enough now. They are staring at me like I've done something very wrong. But I think now I'm being very obvious!

I straightened my composure and shook my head. "I wasn't eavesdropping. I was here to call you."

"Me?" Sunbin asked, raising her brows.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Rohan's elder sister wants to talk with you. So he wanted me to call you. He is now talking with her on the video call."

Sunbin looked at Tiara. "You'll come with me?"

She shook her head. "I'll not go without drinking tea. You can go."

"Okay." With that, Sunbin stood up and looked at me. "Dylan please stay here until I come back." She left saying that.

Is your best friend a little girl? Or a VIP? Why does she need a bodyguard?

I didn't react nor say anything. I walked inside and sat on a seat opposite of her seat. Tiara gave me a look like I've done something wrong again.

"What?" I raised my brows.

"Are you allergic to humans?"


"Why are you sitting there?" She narrowed her gaze at me. Is she just flirting with me now? No Dylan, she has a boyfriend.

I took a glance at the seat in front of her and then at her. "Do you want me to sit there?" I asked, pointing on the seat.

"Forget it." She said and turned her face to the manager of the buffet. "Uncle. Where is the tea?"

God! She is so loud.

"I told you already tea isn't in our menu card."

I clenched my jaw and looked at the manager. "But a while ago, I saw a boy, taking tea to the first class."

"That was special for the VIP."

"So for VIP, you can include tea in your menu?" Her voice got louder. And in another second she tied her long hair in a ponytail. Why did she do that?

The manager looked at her with an annoyed expression. "Buffet is off now."

I sighed and looked at Tiara who was burning in anger now. "You don't like coffee?"

She shook her head fiercely. "I don't."

I shrugged my shoulders and shoved my hands inside my pockets. "Make two cups of coffee." I said to the manager.

"Who wants coffee? I want tea." She shouted as she pressed her palm on the table hard. That didn't hurt?

Whatever! She is just too loud!

"Ms Bonfire. My ears are fine. Please don't shout. The coffee isn't for you. It's for Rohan and me."

She creased her brows and stood up, taking steps towards me slowly.

I gulped when she stopped in front of me, just two inches away. "W-What?"

"Did you call me bonfire just now?" She stared into my eyes with a dangerous glare. It's really dangerous!

I glared at her back. "Yes. Because you're burning in anger like a bonfire from the moment I met you."

She started leaning forward, with a sharp glare. "You..."

"I'll come back to take it." I told the manager before turning back and heading towards the exit. Is she following me? Because I heard footsteps behind me.

Why is she following me? Inhaling a deep breath, I stopped walking and turned to see. I was right. She is. But to bark at me. For calling her Bonfire. "Do you want to go to the washroom with me? Because I'm going there." I asked her calmly.

She quickly took a step backwards and shook her head. "Wak. Go." She made a disgusted face.

Cute! But... How rude!

It's okay Dylan. Even you don't want her to go to the washroom with you! You already know, She is relentless. She is rude. And she is so loud.

But still, something was special about her. What is that? Her style? Her personality? Her long messy hair? Her eyes? Her voice? Or her name?

Whatever! After our long train journey. we took the ferry to Haenam Usuyeong to Jeju. Before getting off from the train, I heard the manager was defeated by Tiara and made tea for her. I've never seen badass girls but I've seen her! On the train, her argument with the manager was nothing compared to what she did here on the ferry.

We were standing in the corner of the ferry. All of a sudden, she said she is hungry and went to the canteen of the ferry.

And after about ten minutes, we heard noises arising from the direction of the canteen. Most of the people went there and made a crowd just out of curiosity. We did the same.

We went there and our jaw almost dropped when we saw Tiara beating a guy up. She was pulling his hair and he was trying to grab hers, Impressive. She was avoiding his hands so perfectly. But what's with that guy? He is losing to a woman!

"Are you watching the scene? Go, stop them." Sunbin shouted at us.

And without wasting any time, I and Rohan quickly ran there. Rohan held the guy from behind, pulling him away and I tried to put her hands off from his hair but she was grabbing with all her strength. The guy wasn't stopping too, he gripped on her hands. She twisted her hand from his grasp, spinning around him.

Was she a taekwondo player before? "Yah... What are you doing? Let go of his hair." I shouted when there was no sign of its ending.

"Just let go of my hair, bitch! And see." The guy shouted angrily. Did he call her bitch? Okay! Sorry boy. You deserve to get beaten up.

I moved my hands from her hands and let her do whatever she wants.

"I'm going to kill you. You..." Before he could finish his sentence, Tiara kicked him in the groin, direct between his legs. As he lost his balance, he fell on the ground and pressed his palms on his groin, his face twisted with pain.

Ouch! That hurts so bad. His tube light may be all broken now!