She has a boyfriend

Dylan's POV...

"Inspector. You're so heartless." I looked at the inspector with my puppy eyes when he locked us in jail. "How can you arrest someone who called you?" Without bothering to reply to me, he went to his desk and sat on his chair. What a rude man!!

If I tell him I'm the brother of the Health Minister, he will apologize for doing this to me.

"You don't know who am I." I mumbled, turning around, leaning my back on the jail bars.

Tiara who was busy scanning the jail gave me a confused look. "Who are you?" Even she doesn't know who I am. I can't use my brother's identity. It's bad. I'll not use his power.

I sighed. "I don't know." If I tell the police about my brother, he'll find out about this and directly come here. I don't want that.

Tiara picked a blanket up and threw it aside which was on the seat. "Inspector. It's so dirty here. You should clean this place." She sneezed.

Did she just tell the inspector that he should clean this place?

The inspector looked at Tiara with disbelief. "Do you want me to clean that place?" He asked with a calm voice.

Tiara shook her head. "I didn't say it has to be you. You must have a sweeper. He will do this work. But if you insist you can."

She is so fearless!

"Tiara!" I uttered her name, signaling her to stop.

She moved her gaze at me, glaring dangerously. "You... I'm here now because of you. You better clean this place. Or.. Hacchuu.." She sneezed again. So she has a dust allergy.

And what? Me?

I titled my head and took a step towards her. "What did you say? Because of me?"

She held her gaze at me and also took a step forward. "Yeah. Because of you. Why did you call them? And you were still holding the knife when they arrived there. What kind of stupid you are?" She shouted at me.

Her loud voice made the guy in the next jail cell looking at us. The inspector almost jumped.

Now I lose my temper. How dare she shouted at me and blamed me when she was the one who started everything? She even called me stupid.

I put a clam expression on my face. "Say it again." I said with a lower tone, gritting my teeth as I took more steps towards her. Anger was boiling up inside me. First of all, I'm locked in this place because of her. Above that, she is acting like she did nothing.

She narrowed her gaze and came in front of me. "Because of you, I'm here. I didn't know Die Land that you're deaf." She called me Die Land in front of these people. Really! Is she testing my anger?

"You're the one who started everything. You're so troublesome." I leaned forward to her.

A confused frown crossed the flawless face of hers. "What? Troublesome?" As I nodded, She took her rubber band and started tying her hair.

My anger was melting like ice-cream. She looked so much more beautiful from a close distance. She has a big pair of eyes, her nose is thin and straight, her cherry pink lips... it's moist. Her face is bare of makeup. The skin of her natural rosy glow cheeks is smooth and flawless.

Wait! What am I doing? Why am I staring at her?

I quickly averted my gaze, and my gaze stopped at the guy in the next jail cell. He was staring at Tiara, he was watching her tying her hair. His eyes were on her neck, jawline. My blood ragged. I took a deep breath to quell my anger.

When the anger inside me started to subside, she was already done with tying her hair. I took my hand behind her head and pulled the rubber band down, taking it off from her hair, untying her hair, letting her long hair cover her perfect jawline to her neck, collarbone.

She was stunned by my sudden action. "What did you do just now?" She blinked her eyes, confused.

Taking out a soft breath, I gave her back the rubber band. "Don't tie your hair. Don't think anything. Let me think."

Her face started darkening. "How dare you touch my hair?" She shouted angrily again.

Ah! This girl.

"I hate people touching my..." She stopped and her eyes got widened as I pressed my palm on her mouth, stopping her from her saying further.

She stared at me with her big eyes. Now I can just see her eyes, her mouth was covered by hand.

Her eyes were green but not the kind of shade that's easy to describe. It was almost like they were both green and yellow at the same time, with blue creeping in around the edges as if it were trying to take over. She blinked and the beauty was momentarily covered by the shield of her long eyelashes.

These eyes now seem more familiar. I've seen these eyes before. But where? When?

"Sleep. Even if we call Rohan, he'll not be able to come now. It's late." I said softly with my gaze still fixed deep into her eyes.

My heart skipped a beat when her lips moved against my palm and her warm breath fanned on my hand.

As she sneezed and her spits dropped on my palm, I moved my palm from her mouth, it was already wet. Shit!

"Hehe. Who told you to cover my mouth?" She gave me a teasing smile.

Before I could react, she held my hand and pulled me towards the basin. She turned the water tap on and took my hand below the tap, letting the water wash our hands.

I never liked girls touching me. But now! I swear this girl is so dangerous. She is doing something on me. She is making me feel those things I've never felt before. She is making me experience those things I've never experienced before. I think I'll go crazy soon if I stay with her longer.

Tiara's POV....

At last, that rude inspector released us from that dark, dirty place. He apologized for their mistake. I've never been to Jail before. It was fun for me. I had a new experience. Thanks to Die Land!

Rohan was so shocked seeing us there in the jail. Especially he was dumbfounded when he saw Dylan. He was looking at the Inspector like he has done something crazy.

Anyway, we headed back to our cottage. After getting freshen up, they sat to have breakfast.

"Tiara babe. Have breakfast with us today." Sunbin, my best friend tried to act cute but couldn't. This is the one thing that she can't do, still, she tries.

"You know babe. I don't eat in the morning." I gave her a sweet smile of mine.

Die Land who was now sitting beside Rohan, looked at me. "Why?"

"There is no particular reason. It has become my habit. Bad habit. Enjoy your breakfast. I'll watch TV."

I took the remote of TV from the table and sat on the couch. After a while, I was changing the music channel when I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned back and see Dylan coming, holding a plate filled with almonds. Will he eat those nuts alone? I shrugged my shoulders and turned to watch TV again.

He sat beside me and turned at me, giving me the plate. "When you wake up, the blood sugar your body needs to make your muscles and brain work their best is usually low. Breakfast helps replenish it." So it's for me?

I shook my head and smiled. "Thank you. But I don't want to eat."

When I gave him back the plate, he held my hand and put the plate on my palm.

"I'm not telling you to eat. Just munch on some nuts while you watch TV. Eating nuts every day improves intellect." He said with a calm voice as he rolled his eyes at the TV.

"You sound like a doctor now." I can't help but laugh softly. He is a sweet guy.

How I wish Ethan to take care of me like this! At the beginning of our relationship, Ethan was so caring, he used to love me like a real princess. But now! He is changing. I know work is important but work can't change our love for someone.

When we really love someone, no matter how busy we are, somehow we will still find the time out to call our important person.

He calls me once in a day, there are days he didn't even call me. He forgot to ask if I have my meals or not. I know if there wasn't Sunbin, he couldn't have wished me first on my previous birthday.

He is forgetting the little things that mean the world to me. He is getting farther away from me. Maybe from my love.

As my heart started getting heavier, I put the plate on the table before taking some almonds in my mouth. I need to keep myself occupied with something.

Inhaling a sharp breath, I fixed my eyes on the TV. My mood turned worst when I saw the breaking news on the TV.

....The health minister has promised that doctors will be better paid and patients will be taken better care of...!

Henry Nelson. He is handsome. He is smart. Girls are crazy about him. But I hate this guy most. "Beautiful face and a mouth full of lies." I mumbled.

"Who?" Dylan tilted his head at me.

I pointed the person who just appeared on the TV. "Henry Nelson. The bloody health minister."

Rohan was drinking water, he suddenly choked the water up and started coughing.

Dylan didn't bother neither did I.

"And why are you calling him bloody?" He asked, rubbing his hand behind his neck. Wow. He looks cute like this.

I shook my head. Concentration, Tiara!

"Because he..."

"Tiara... Listen..." Rohan cut my words off. Why?

"Shut up, Rohan." Dylan gave Rohan a look before turning at me again. "You continue."

Without bothering Rohan, I continued. "Everything he does is just for publicity. He does nothing but shows off. He stays most of the time in his house and acts like he gives his life for the people..." I gasped when Rohan came behind me and pressed his hand on my mouth. Is this guy crazy?

"Tiara. Henry Nelson is Dylan's elder brother. I forgot to tell you." He moved his hand and whispered to me before I could react.

"What??" I shouted in disbelief. Rohan pressed his lips together and nodded his head vigorously.

Henry is his elder brother? That means he is Dylan Nelson! Damn it. You're in trouble. Run Tiara. Run.

Without daring to look at Die Land, I stood up from the couch instantly and turned around to run to my room. Dylan's voice stopped me in the midway.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to use the washroom."


Dylan's POV...

She is running away because she is ashamed of bad-mouthing my brother to me. She even cursed my elder brother! But everything she said about him was right. Still, he is my brother, I should have protested.

"Why are you smiling?" Rohan asked me, raising his brows. "I thought you're angry."

"Am I smiling?" Even I'm surprised by myself. Why am I smiling?

Sunbin sat beside me, the thoughtful gaze on her face was making me uncomfortable. "Is everything okay, Dylan?"

"What okay?"

"I mean. You... Tiara... You know Ethan is her..."

"What are you talking about?" I cut her words off. I don't want to hear the same thing that I've heard already. I know. I know. Ethan... or whatever he is her boyfriend.

She was going to say something but stopped and shook her head. "Nah. Nothing."

I didn't understand. But I did. She was trying to remind me that she has a boyfriend.

And I'm not gonna be bothered about that.