Who are you?

Dylan's POV....

The next day, In the afternoon, we came to the beach. The beach is so crowded today. I heard there will be a concert in the evening!

I hate crowds but Tiara is the opposite. She is enjoying seeing so many people. She is even counting the number of people's heads. What a weird character!

One thing of her reminds me of my crown flower. Tiara is wearing a jean jacket today. 15 years ago, my crown flower was wearing a jean jacket too.

"Yah. Die Land. Stop daydreaming." My thoughts were shaken off by Tiara's loud voice.

"W-what?" I cleared my throat, looking at her.

Without any warning, she held my hand and pulled me towards the beach. I was startled by her sudden action. Her hand was holding mine, hand in hand! My heart was beating faster with her every step.

"Ms. Bonfire. What are... you doing?"

"I will walk along the edge of the shoreline where the sand is firm and wet."

"Just say easily. I'm not a philosopher like you. You want to get wet?"

"I don't want to disturb my best friend. She is busy with her boyfriend. You're single here and not busy." She looked back at me with a soft grin on her face.

It's the time of sunset. The yellow light of the sun which was disappearing fell on her smooth skin. I swear my heart skipped so many beats in a nanosecond. Why is she doing this to me?

When we came closer to the ocean, she released my hand and took her shoes off. She then went into the ocean.

"Tiara." Her name slipped from my mouth as I watched her with my dropped open mouth. She was stunningly beautiful with her open hair flying over her shoulders.

I know she heard my voice, but she didn't reply, not even look at me. Her eyes were set at the horizon.

"Bonfire." I called her again as I made my way down towards the beach. She did not halt her advance towards the sun. What a crazy woman!

The woman continued to walk and walk and walk into the sunset. Suddenly, her feet began to sink. I watched momentarily until I felt my feet cast itself into the water.

My legs beat the water, my eyes were fond of the woman without breathing, without thinking.

I reached her and bumped into her, a floating crowd of serenity.

"Tiara. You'll get wet. Let's go back or we'll catch a cold.. It's." I couldn't finish my lecture, she started to spat water into my face with one blow, her lips vibrating a playful smile.

She titled her head and her hair fell on one side. "You're not my mother, Die Land." She continued to spat water on my face.

I moved my face and my hands held her hands as the heavy waves pushed us ever so closer.

Her light-green eyes stared steadily into mine. The whole crowd suddenly went silent. I could just hear the sound of the waves and heavy wind.

"Who are you?" Her voice was like a whisper.

"I have the same question." I gulped as I took a deep breath, trying to fill my lung. I was having difficulties while breathing. Because of this woman.

"Princess Tiara." She gave me a soft smile.

I wasn't in the situation to smile. My heart will rip out soon if I continue staring at her for a while. "Have I met you before?"

She patted her index finger on her cheek as she rolled her eyes around. Damn cute!

She looked at me when she stopped thinking. "Yes."

"Where?" I asked, raising my brows.

She broke her hands-free from my grips and took a step backward.

"In your dreams." She winked at me as she ran to the surface, leaving me alone here in the ocean with a sudden sadness curving my existence.

Please stay there. In my dreams.

"Dude. Do you want to die there? Aren't you cold?"

As Rohan shouted at me from the surface, I came back to my senses and realized I was still standing there. "Coming." I said dryly as I made my way to him.

I can tell Tiara was watching me from afar with a smile. God, save me from this girl.

"Dude. Let's go to the concert. It has started already." Rohan said as I came to him.

I gave him a shocked look. He knows I don't like concerts like things.

"Don't look at him like that." Tiara narrowed her gaze at me. "We're going. It's final."

"It's final?"

She nodded.

"You're going?"

She nodded again. "I am going with Sunbin and Rohan."

"When did I say I'll not go?" I glared at her.

Sunbin put her elbow on my shoulder and sneered at me. "He'll definitely go now, Tiara darling."

She is now teasing me.

I plastered a tight smile on my face and turned to her. "Yah. Sunbin. Don't you dare to tease me." I muttered.

She made an innocent face. "You're being so obvious, Dylan."

My jaw got clenched. "Obvious? About what?"

Shrugging her shoulders, she held Tiara's hand started walking. It's so annoying!