Getting yourself back

Tiara's POV....

After the wedding ceremony, we proceeded to the hotel for the wedding banquet..

I was distracted in the whole event by the words that Dylan said to me in the car.

"I'll not tell you to smile. But I really want you to feel. Feel sad, nervous, uneasy, or anything."

He wants me to feel. Feel anything. I'm torturing him, ain't I?

My dad and his dad were running here and there to talk with the guests and welcome them. His brother was talking with the journalists.

Dylan's main work is smiling at the guests, nothing less or nothing more than that. I know he is exhausted just like me.

They say when we're tired and couldn't get enough rest we get tired of any type of emotions too.

But I really started feeling uneasy when the banquet ended and my dad arranged a room in the hotel for us so that we can spend our wedding night. Us. I mean Dylan and me.