The flower

Dylan's POV...

"Welcome to Nelson Mansion, Mr. & Mrs Junior Nelson."

Guess, who is it! Of course, my big ostentatious cheesy brother. He has decorated our mansion with flowers and so many elegant lights. Yeah, he! Himself. He didn't even call anyone to help him. And now, he was waiting in front of the entrance for us wearing a white shirt and white jeans.

No, I'm wrong. He was there for the cameras. The journalists are camping besides our main gate from yesterday. Actually, I'm curious now. Why didn't my brother be an actor?

Henry handed Tiara a bouquet of flowers. "Congratulations on becoming a part of our Nelson family." You should thank me for making her a part of our family.

"Thank you so much." Tiara smiled softly. Her facial expression was normal, she looked so much better than yesterday.

"Let me take my friend inside." Right on time. It's Sunbin. I called her before we came here.