My wife

Tiara's POV...

That damn call. He was going to tell me the reasons I was yearning to hear since the moment he left that night. But that damn call interrupted!

I didn't understand what he said on the phone but after declining the call, he looked at me. "Where is your phone?"

I switched my phone off and kept it inside my bag because Ethan was calling from different numbers.

"Why?" I asked without answering his question.

"Because I'll need to call you." He said.

I got confused. "Why will you need to call me?"

"Because I'll be outside." He replied while scrolling his phone.

I titled my head, getting confused by the man even more. "Why will you be outside?"

"I have very important work." He replied like a robot, his eyes were still fixed on his phone. This little brat was literally ignoring me.

I controlled my anger and tried to look cute. "Where will you go?"

"Office." Actually, what was he doing on that damn thing?