Somewhere dark and scary

Tiara's POV...

After about thirty minutes, we have finished cleaning ourselves and was now sitting in the dining room with my dad while waiting for the housekeeper to prepare the extra set of breakfast for Dylan.

There was a happy smile spread across my dad's face as his eyes never stop looking at us.

My eyes were held low, my face was still in crimson red. Looking at how dad smiled at us, I was very sure that aunt already told them everything she saw in my room just now.

I think Dylan sensed my embarrassment and smiled slightly before he took my hand and gave me a gentle squeeze, telling me silently that he is here with me and nothing to worry about.

Dylan let go of my hand when the housekeeper came out from the kitchen, walking towards us. He took the glass of orange juice in front of him and took a small sip, trying to hide his embarrassed expression

Aunt placed the plate in front of him and smirked.