A walk

Tiara's POV...

Last Text: "It's already 6. Where on the earth are you? Are you still with that her?"

I made up my mind not to check his 'last seen status' and read his message anymore. My whole day had been ruined because of him. He had logged in, a while ago but he didn't even feel a mere need of replying me back.

I picked up my phone to text him something rude so that at least he will call me to have an argument but, I put it back on the table. The thought was too childish.

I checked in to WhatsApp again to see if he had seen it or not. He had seen it but hadn't replied back. My anger was now out of control. I started typing. "Are you really that busy?"

About five minutes, a reply came from him. "Yeah. Told you. I'm busy. Wait for me."