The Messages (pt. 1)

"Not even because I warned you to be careful," Sabrina took a sip of her margarita and lowered her sunglasses at me. "Honestly Amaria, this heat must be doing something to your brain."

I rolled my eyes and adjusted the straps of my bikini top. After telling my best friends about the encounter in the closet, my conscience felt a thousand times lighter. Sabrina was as non-judgmental as a liberal could be, and she didn't even bring up Jack, or the lack of his presence in my mind, while I was talking. 

"Shut up, Sabrina, I already feel terrible about it," my mouth found the straw of my own margarita. "At least I didn't sleep with him." 

"That's the bare minimum, Amaria," Helena shook her head at me. "Especially when you know that you wanted to."