The Messages (pt. 2)

My lip found its way between my teeth and I chewed at it, trying my hardest to ignore the increasing guilt in my gut. It seemed all I did these days was feel guilty, and it was all because of a certain someone. 

'Actually it's because of you, but go off sis' 

My conscience wasn't helping either, apparently. Throughout the entire time that I was texting with Jack, one thing was going through my mind. I needed to return to New York and seal the deal with him. 

It was quite obvious by now that he was making me a better person already. During our short time together we had more in common than I'd ever had in my entire life. It made me want to tell him about my plans and dreams for the future. 

'Be honest with yourself or else you're just as toxic as what's-his-face over there by the blue car.' 

My head was right. I needed to sort myself out quickly before things cemented because it would be detrimental if I— wait just like who over where by the what?