The Video Call (pt. 2)

"Wait but I checked my Instagram, there's nothing there." 

"Not your Instagram, your Twitter," he made a motion for me to check my phone with a disinterested look on his face. "Do you not know? Why are you asking me?" 

I didn't answer him and made a dive for my phone instead. In the absence of evidence on my go-to social media app, I'd omitted every other platform, but it made so much sense that if I was going to post something weird, it would be on Twitter. The next platforms to be checked would have to be Facebook and snapchat. 

My profile began to load and at first everything seemed normal, but then I took a second look at the pinned tweet and almost died. There it was, a clear picture of my left hand with the glaring engagement ring set on it. The caption read, "spur of the moment decision, hope we won't regret this!" 

I wanted to cry.