The Fight

My drive home was filled with anxious lip biting, finger tapping, and a ridiculous amount of sighing. Was I nervous to know what Jason had found? Yes. Yes, I was. Incredibly nervous didn't even begin to cover it, but I also wanted to know so badly. My gut was telling me that I already knew who it was, but something else was telling me that I was in for a shock. 

The way I parked my car was overly aggressive, and my flight up the steps to my home's front door was just as aggressive. Jason was waiting for me in the living room, laptop perched on his lap and glasses on. Those glasses would be the death of me. "What did you find?"

He looked up just as I was approaching him and getting ready to bend a leg beneath me as I sat down. He did a once over, almost to ensure nothing had changed, and turned the screen once I was settled in. "Look at the video."