The Late Night Recap

(Jason's POV)

After Amaria retreated to her room, I went into my office to start on the research for the video and the source of it. I wanted a background check on everyone in the shots, especially Luke. 

I was still hurt from what she said, but I understood where she was coming from and didn't blame her. Amaria had always been the love of my life and I knew she loved me to death. Abusing the privilege of her patience had been the worst thing I could have done. I knew walking out on her for someone else was a mistake, and I did it anyway. What possessed me? No wonder she didn't trust me at all. 

And what Andrew said kept replaying in my head. She tried to end her own life. I was absent those days because I had been spending so much time in Delilah's bed. She excited me and I was bored. Well, no, I wasn't bored. I cheated with her because I could.