The Greek Experience

My sunglasses were slipping down my forehead when I finally managed to parallel park the Cadillac on the side of the street in front of the Greek establishment where I had agreed to meet Sabrina. 

This would be the first time I was seeing my best friend in weeks, and I was so nervous that my hands grabbed the first set of keys they saw, which was, conveniently, Jason's Cadillac SUV. The man was a fan of big cars and I found that extremely sexy for some weird reason. 

Before climbing out, I made sure to check that the button of my denim jacket was buttoned, effectively hiding my bump. I wasn't wearing maternity jeans yet, but I did have to swap out my size four jeans for size six, and my regular 120cm Louboutins for 100 or 90cm ones. When I wore heels, I liked to feel like a ballerina. Not anymore, though. No risk would be taken.