The Old Friend

After lunch with Sabrina, we went our separate ways and I decided to complete the list of errands that was forgotten somewhere on my phone. The first thing to do was go to the bank and make a withdrawal in cash. I had some baby books to buy and I didn't want it traced to my credit card. Anyone was anyone if they had information on me, and Mimi Herrera might have been in jail or whatever, but other gossip commentators quickly rose to take her place. Right now I was the media's gold and any info about me was golden. 

My run to the bank was quick, but most of the time was spent with my purse in front of me. Even though my bump wasn't showing and I had eaten a lot, I was paranoid that there might be a detail I had missed. Spending so much time alone truly got to me, and I began to see just how much my mental health had deteriorated since I threw myself into the public light with the impromptu wedding post.