The Deed (pt. 1)

As soon as I walked in through the door, I noticed the lack of Lieutenant Colonel Sparkplug coming to greet me by nipping at my ankles and trying to get me to pick him up. My eyes squinted and I tried to figure out where in the world he could be. I knew he was very curious, and since he was big enough to roam the house, I almost never put him in his cage anymore. 

"Lieutenant Colonel Sparkplug?" I peeked my head into the kitchen to try and get sight of him, but he wasn't around to be seen. This was suspicious, but I didn't have a lot of time to think about it before my hand was grabbing one of the cheesy cracker boxes from the cupboards and an aloe vera drink so I could make my way upstairs in peace. 

Just in case I ever woke up hungry in the middle of the night, I liked to have a snack on my bed so as to avoid standing up and trekking down to the kitchen in the dark.