The Guardianship (pt. 1)

"We're fucked." 

"I know." 

"No, like, we're really, really, really fucked." 

"Yes, Hugo, I know!" This was the first time I had heard him cuss, but it was an accurate representation of how I was feeling on the inside. What in the world made me think that I could pull this off? As if my natural state wasn't bad enough! "Oh shit, we're fucked." 

"That's what I've been saying!" It was nice of Hugo to accompany me and be by my side during this trying time. Even though this wasn't a professional matter, he still insisted that it was his duty as my assistant to assist me. We were currently making our way back to the courtroom from the lobby where my lawyer, Nikolas, Hugo and I just had a small recoup meeting. I had been reviewed by the fates and they ended up landing me with the most conservative judge in the Manhattan district, which was like discovering a treasure chest in Leviathan's stomach.