The Moment After

So, I wasn't allowed to go to the hearing. Jason pretty much told me to stay home and wait for his call patiently. I agreed, initially because I wasn't feeling very well, but also because I knew that going to the court would do more harm than good. As I entered my third trimester, Jason and I both agreed that I should avoid being in distress as much as possible, hence, the not going with him to the hearing. 

My mother had stayed with me at the house all day and was doing everything in her power to calm me down, but I couldn't stop fidgeting and pacing, even resorting to biting my own nails.

"Don't bite your nails, that polish is toxic," my mom pulled my hand out of my mouth, but it was just replaced by the opposite hand. I couldn't help that my anxiety was making me bite off the polish from my brand new nail set. It was Jason's favourite colour, and I was set on preserving them.