The Mayor's Wife (2)

"Amaria, how lovely to see you again."

"Lisa," I greeted the Mayor's wife with a kiss on the cheek. "It's been too long. How's the social scene?" 

"Oh, unpredictable as always. My nieces are coming up from Georgia to make their debut into the scene." The Mayor's wife guided me to her living room and motioned for me to take a seat beside her on a large couch. "How about you, how is your project coming along?" 

"Wonderful, thank God. We're expecting to open any moment now. As soon as we finish up details, we will be handing out keys."

"Oh that's amazing, I'm so happy for you, dear." She smiled politely at me, even though I could tell that she was bubbling with questions. "Is there anything you would like to drink?" 

"No, thank you. I'm here to make a proposition, actually."
