The Shower Moment

"What are you reading?" 

I looked up from my book to catch Jason walking into the nursery with his outfit half missing. His suit jacket was off, as well as his tie, and his shirt was half unbuttoned. Disheveled hair like he had run his hands through it was half flopping over his forehead. He looked sexy. 

"Dear Karma," I paused when he picked up Princeton from where he was playing with his blocks and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It's a hot book right now." 

He came over to me with Prince in his arms and kissed me on the forehead. "What is it about?" 

"It's basically a housewife's diary entries addressed to the universe. We get to follow her journey and witness the wonders of Karma for her. It's very exciting." 

"Do you have a diary?" Jason sat on another rocking chair with Prince in his lap and let the infant snuggle into him.