I'm his fiance

Mia's parents looked at her shockingly as if they heard something out of the world. Yesterday, she broke everything in her room because she didn't want to marry Miles but today she told them that she wants to marry him. At this thought, they look worried and that what happened to their daughter.

Mia looked at her parents embarrassingly, she clearly remembered her yesterday's action. She bite her tongue. She was feeling a little awkward. She knew that they did not believe her.

She coughed lightly and said "Dad, mom believe me I really want to marry Miles." She smiled happily.

Mia's parents came back to their senses and looked at her, her eyes were shining and she looked genuinely happy so they felt relief immediately.

"Thank God, princess, that you're happy otherwise I couldn't forgive myself in my whole life" Mia's father sighs loudly at his daughter's words.

"Yeah dad, your daughter is a big girl now so I understand your worry for me" Mia smiled brightly.

"Yeah, our daughter is already 25 years and also tomorrow she's getting married so she is already a big girl." Mia's mother happily said.

"But for me my daughter always will be my little princess, even if she is 25 or 50 years." Mia's father patted Mia's hands softly.

"But from tomorrow she will be someone else's queen." Mia's mother teased her father.

They laughed loudly, seeing them happy Mia gave a big thanks to God again that God gave her a chance to make up her past life mistakes. She would protect them, she would not spare that bitch Shopia.

"Okay, now have your breakfast. We need to go to collect your clothes." Mia's mother said.

"Sorry mom, you have to go alone" Mia gave her mother an apologized look.

"Why?" Mia's mother asked her curiously.

"Earlier, I called Miles but he didn't pick up my calls, so I have to go to his hospital." Mia shyly said.

Mia's parents exchanged a shocking look at each other.

But they didn't refuse her "Okay go" Mia's mother said.

Mia stood up and hurriedly left.

Her mother looked at her husband "Do you think, your daughter went crazy or something? I think we gave her too much pressure that's why she started to loose her mind. If not why was she behaving so weirdly. Otherwise, why would she look for Miles at her own will?" Mia's mother said.

"You talk too much" Mia's father became angry. How can she say his daughter is crazy. His daughter looked perfectly fine.

"But you saw everything with your own eyes, how she changed within one day." Mia's mother said.

"This change is best for her, now just pray that she would stay away from Sophia" Mia's father seriously said.

"Yeah, I hope so."Mia's mother sighs in worry.

They already knew Sophia's true nature and also that Shopia always wanted to harm their daughter. They wanted to protect Mia from Sophia but they didn't know that Sophia already killed their daughter and their daughter reborn again. Otherwise, as parents, they would already kill Sophia. They didn't know that their daughter had already seen Sophia's monster face.

Mia came straight to Miles's hospital in a taxi. She already knew where he is.

After entering the hospital, she asked the receptionist "Can you tell me where is Mr. King now?"

The receptionist is a girl,she looked at Mia and was stunned at her beauty. Mia was very gorgeous and she had a noble and pure aura.

"Miss, do you have an appointment with Dr. King?" She respectfully asked Mia.

"I'm his fiancé, I don't need any appointment to see him." Mia said with a smile.

Hearing that, the girl's smiling face darken "Miss who are you and why are you lying to me?" the girl unhappily asked Mia.

"If you don't believe me you can ask Mr. King, right?"Mia confidently said.

"Dr. King has a fiancé and everyone in this hospital already saw her, so obviously you're lying." The girl said.

"what?" Mia face turn pale "that bastard" She immediately started feeling jealous.

"Where is that bastard Miles huh? Call him right now, right here " Mia angrily shouted at the girl.

Other doctors and nurses started to gather there when they heard that a stranger girl was cursing their Dr. King. They were totally shocked.

"Today, I'll kill him, how dare he." Mia was fuming from her limitless anger.

"How dare he, I came back from my death, only for him and l he already started cheating on me with another woman." She did not dare to say this out loud. She just thought to herself.

Everyone was silent seeing her cold angry face.

"What's going on here?"A cold voice broke their attention from Mia.

Everyone turned around and looked at the source of the voice but Mia didn't because she already knew whose voice was that. Although, she was angry but just as she heard his voice her heart melted immediately like candyfloss. She started sobbing and her tears started to fall continuously. She stood there without turning around.

"Dr. K-King."that receptionist girl stammered in fear.

He was the king of doctors amongst the country's doctors. He never failed if he wanted to save someone. That's why everyone called him 'The King of Miracle Doctors'. He was a famous legendary doctor and No.1 handsome man of this city. Girls admired him as well as men were jealous of him.

His long black hair was tied up with a hair tie. His height was 194 cm. He had a high bridged nose. His eyes were blue color with a seductively, handsome face. He had a sexy and perfect body. He exuded a devilish aura from head to toe. Everyone could enjoy his looks from far away but no one dared to go near him.

"What happened here?"he asked with more coldness in his voice.

"Dr. King, this Miss is saying that she is your fiancé." That girl pointed her finger at Mia.

Miles looked at Mia's direction, Mia also turned around and their eyes met. Miles froze immediately.

"What are you doing here?" He asked unsurely.

Suddenly a thought struck his brain, she might be here to break their marriage. 'No, this can't happen' Miles thought.

Mia cried out loudly because she felt that he was unhappy as she came here to look for him. To Miles, he felt that his breathing stopped. He became more sure that she was here to break their marriage.

"Bastard, you cheated on me, how could you do this to me?" Mia cried more painfully.

"Huh" Miles stood there like a statue.