*Miles king is my fiance*

'What did she mean by I cheated on her?' He looked at her confusingly.

She was crying like a baby, he felt helpless. At last, he gave up, she was always like this, from her childhood until now, stubborn and cute at the same time.

"What happened?'' He asked softly. He was afraid of her anger.

She stopped crying and looked at him. She pouted her lips as if he was the one who wronged her.

"You're the one who wanted to marry me but now you are the one who cheated on me Miles. How could you do this to me?" she glared at him.

"Why are you saying, I cheated on you? When did I cheat on you, huh?" He asked in confusion.

"She said this to me." Mia pointed at that receptionist girl.

Miles looked at the girl like he wanted to kill that girl.

''What the hell did you tell her, huh? How dare you accuse me without any proof? Do you know the consequences, now?" Miles gave a sinister to that girl and ask coldly,

''Dr. King, she is lying to you." She fearfully said, she didn't dare to lift her head.

"My Mia never lies." He said,

Everyone froze but Mia felt happy. Miles believed her without even asking her anything.

"You say, what did she say to you?" Miles softened when he looked at Mia.

"She said you have a fiance. Also they already saw her but that person was not me. Also she said that I'm a liar when I said I'm your fiance." She glared at him after saying this.

Miles was speechless at her accusation "Why are you looking at me like this? I don't know anything about this matter." He said to Mia.

He has only one woman at his life from childhood and Mia should know better than anyone.

He again glared at that recepsoinst girl "Who said you that she's not my fiance?'' It looked as if he wanted to burn this girl with his fire look.

''Dr. King, whole hospital knows that Miss Eastan is your fiance." The girl said.

When the girl said this, the people present there also agreed with her.

"You mean Sophia Eastan?" Mia asked her.

"Yes" The girl answered.

Mia understood immediately why did no one believe her when she introduced herself as Miles's fiance. She thought "That bitch really is something. She even told everyone that she is Miles's fiance."

"Okay, I understand, you guys get yourselves busy." She sighed loudly.

After that seeing Miles's look she was embarrassed. In her heart she screamed loudly. She wanted to see him so badly but now 'ahhh' her bad habit really spoiled her first impression after rebirth.

Mia got an idea, suddenly she held her leg and cried out loudly "Ahh!"

"What happened?" Miles asked worriedly with a frown.

"I think I sprained my leg." Mia pretended that she was hurt. She wanted to make him worried for her.

"Let me see." Miles dropped on his knee to check her feet without caring about his image. Once Miles did that, in the hospital lobby, everyone appeared stunned.

Mia smirked secretly, she put a pitiful expression and said "It hurts, carry me." She acted like a spoiled baby.

Miles was shocked at her sudden bold act but didn't show it on his face. He stood up and carried her in his arms.

He started to walk towards his office but Mia stopped him "I want to say something to everyone here." She looked at everyone and hugged his neck tightly.

"Miles King is my fiancé and we are getting married tomorrow. So, from tomorrow onward I, Mia Eastan, will be Mrs. Mia Miles King. Everyone be aware about this, I will not forgive if anyone mistakenly dare to think that someone else can be Mrs. King. He is my man and no one can snatch him from me and if anyone tries to do that mistake, i'll crush them under my feet. Believe me, I'm a woman of my words. If anyone don't believe my words feel free to ask Mr. King." Mia coldly said.

She had the same sinister look as Miles, and watching and listening to her everyone was shocked. They thought she was more frightening than Dr. King.

Miles's eyes widened in shock. He stared at her with his blue eyes. Mia also returned his gaze without any hesitation and smiled shyly. Today, in her eyes, she had only love for him, nor anger neither hate.

'What happened to her? She was the one who didn't want to marry him but today she announced the whole world, he is her man.' Although Miles was shocked, his lips curled up a little, but soon his serious look returned.

"Let's go.'' Mia said and Miles walked away with Mia in his arms leaving everyone in a shocked state.

Everyone started to gossip.

"What the hell happened just now, I think I'm dreaming." A nurse broke the silence with a scream.

"Yeah, Dr. King was so caring for this girl, it means she was telling the truth." Another nurse said.

"But we thought Miss Eastan was Dr. King's fiance" A doctor said.

"But Dr. King never said that, it was our own thinking and that means we all misunderstood their relation."

"How can we be misunderstood, we're not, Miss Eastan said that to everyone, she was Mr. King's fiance." That receptionist girl spoke.

"Yeah, she even gave us a red packet and also gave us a party at a luxurious restaurant." A doctor said.

"She lied to us. She is a third party who wants to destroy Dr. King's relationship with his real fiance." A girl angrily said.

"That's why, whenever she comes to see Dr. King, he didn't even bother to look at her face and always ignored her and treated her like air. Just now, when his real fiancé sprained her feet, did you see how worried he was?" A girl said with a jealous look.

"Yeah he loves his fiancé so much" Another girl dreamily said.

"But because of that fraud fiance, you angered our real would be Mrs. King. I think you should apologize to her." A doctor advised that receptionist girl."Yes, yes, you should apologize to Mrs. King, otherwise you saw, just now, how Mr. King reacted." Someone else also said the same thing, slowly everyone started to give her advice.

"Of course, I will." The receptionist girl agreed with them. Otherwise her job will be finished.