So, I finally got my account back.
For those of you who didn't know what happened.
I got an email some time ago saying to relog my email.
and guess what happened after I did that?!?
It removed my account from everywhere... My phone and even my PC.
When I tried logging in again.. It said the "Account in Invalid."
My mind was fucked. This account had a lot of important information. Both private and official stuff.
So after trying to contact google helplines for over a week... I finally got it back!! (note that they didn't respond for a loooooooong time.)
But during this time I opened a new account and started writing a new marvel fic.
***Marvel: Starting from the Bottom.***
that's what it is called.(Starting from the bottom because I had lost this account and I was starting from scratch *Sigh*) I don't know when I will get back to this story... Since I started focusing on my marvel one... (8 chaps uploaded and 13 in stock).
But yea... Go check it out I guess?