The Pot Stirring

"Didn't she come up with this Isabella character to be safe?" Henri stirred cream into his coffee mechanically while Claudette badgered him with questions.


"So why isn't it working?"

"It is working, she's still alive."

"But she's been attempted on twice."

"And she would've been dead already if she hadn't disguised herself." Henri looked at me, which I could see clearly in the reflection of the toaster oven. "Madame Katarina knows what she's doing."

"She's only twenty-one." Claudette lowered her voice even more than before. "I know she's smart but she couldn't have thought of everything. Look at how many people have seen the holes in her plan."

"That's because she doesn't have a plan." Henri scoffed. "She's making this up on the fly."

"Excusez moi?" Claudette sounded incredulous, as I knew she would be. It would be stupid of anyone to venture into this without a plan, which is why I had one. It just hadn't worked the way I'd hoped it had.