The Beginning (all over again)

"So, how was it?"

Henri and I were sitting at a round table in the cafeteria enjoying hot lasagne with iced fruit tea and the view of a lake and green pastures when Claudette found us again. She looked more alive than before as she joined us at the table carrying a plate and drink of her own.

I tucked my hair behind my ear while turning my head to flash her my brand new totally cute hearing aid, which had been given to me right after leaving the clinic. The doctor who assisted me instructed someone to take us somewhere else in the building for a fitting. I didn't even have time to be amazed by the lab because someone was immediately thrusting little devices into my hands and asking which one I liked best.

"Oh my god, are you deaf?" Claudette's eyes widened and she subconsciously touched her own ears. None of us had our buds in now.