The Grand Entrance

"You're a little unsteady, there."

I glared at Claudette, who was in no better position as we placed our masks over our faces. It was true that my knees were shaking but it was so rude of her to point that out, especially when I wasn't telling her that there was a bright red splotch just visible under the hair over her shoulder.

"Shut up, I'm fine."

Henri kissed the side of my head, offering his arm for support. With a grateful smile, I linked my arm with his, my glamorous wedding band on full display for the world to see. Mrs. and Mrs. still seemed surreal to me.

"I'm here for you every step of the way, amour."

"I know you are." I leaned up to kiss him before taking a deep breath to steel myself. "What time is it?"

"Half past eight. The guests are already in the room." Jean-Louis tapped at his smartwatch for a bit. "Everyone's here."

"Then I guess it's showtime."